
2021 Update

Harder Styles lovers, we have been quiet for some time now, as we were analysing the whole situation carefully, but now we can confirm with massive excitement that for now we are moving on with Dropzone 2021 as planned. It took us weeks of gathering, tracking, and analysing everything. Below you can find a lot of valuable information and conclusions about why we are getting pretty excited about welcoming you to the beautiful Pag island this summer. We are pumping, ready, and prepared to overcome all the challenges and possible complications! In the coming weeks, we will be revealing the full program, including a few special hostings that we have prepared. Can’t wait to drop back on Zrce Beach, kicking underneath the stars surrounded by the hundred-year-old pine trees while feeling a fresh summer breeze. Bring on the summer!

VACCINATIONS are ramping up in Europe, with now over 115 million doses given at the pace of 2.5 million administered every day. The memo from the European Commission was leaked confirming that most of the European countries should immunise (fully vaccinate) the majority of their population (50-55% of all people, representing around 70% of all adults) by the end of June, with projections going differently for each country (Denmark 79.9% of its population, Netherlands 64.4%, Germany 61%, France 58.2%, Croatia 45.3%….). Seeing how the vaccines are being effective in fighting the pandemic in the UK, Israel and US, gives us great hope that things should be very good this summer, at least good enough for a limited capacity 1000 people event on Zrce Beach.

THIRD WAVE and apparently the last wave has been hitting Europe for the past few months, each country differently and at a different time, but it seems it’s starting to ease as a lot of countries are slowly lowering down the restrictions (even Germany has one region opening restaurant terraces). Croatia, like every country, has not been able to avoid it and is experiencing an increase in cases for the last few weeks. What is keeping our hopes up is the fact that Portugal, a coastal country with sunny and warm weather, left the 3rd wave behind and is starting to loosen up the restrictions big time. According to experts, Croatia is 1-1.5 months behind Portugal, which means that we should see the numbers drop drastically in May – especially when the WARM WEATHER starts all over Europe giving people the opportunity to spend more time outdoors and soak up the good old Vitamin Sun (D). Switzerland, currently in third wave also, is the next European country that has announced the slow opening of the events (starting only with 50-100). 

COVID PASSPORTS were introduced over a month ago as a way to save tourism in Europe and unify travel across the borders (since the vaccination progress was very slow and unreliable back then). Passports will allow all people to freely cross the EU borders if they have been a) fully vaccinated, b) recovered from Covid in the last 6 months, c) show a negative PCR test not older than 48-72 hours. 

The Croatian government has already published the terms to ENTER CROATIA and you can do that freely if you are coming from ‘green zones’ or with a) negative PCR test from the EU list of approved PCR test or a negative antigen Covid test not older than 48 hours, b) vaccine certificate at least 14 days old showing that you have been fully vaccinated, c) positive PCR or antigen test at least 11 to 180 days old, d) take self isolation with the possibility of taking the test while isolating.

TEST CENTERS across Croatia, especially in the coastal towns, are expanding their capacities to cater all the tourists that want to avoid quarantine upon their return home (which for the most cases won’t be necessary as Croatia should be a green zone like the whole EU). But nevertheless  TEST PRICES have been lowered down and are around 80 euro (including the translation in English).

NEW & REGULAR FLIGHTS have been introduced by airline companies starting from 1st of July to Croatia like KLM, RyanAir, EasyJet… making Croatia one of the desirable destinations this summer. Only RyanAir has flights from 37 European cities to Zadar airport (one hour away from Zrce Beach), and 17 of them are entirely newly introduced routes. All of them offer some level of FLEXIBILITY while buying the flight, either with the option to change the dates without any additional costs or offering a complete refund.

Don’t forget about our REFUND POLICY which is keeping your money safe in the case of a very unlikely cancelation, and the STAY SAFE in CROATIA certificate that all of our venues have.